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Greetings in the Name of the Lord

God wants us to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, and accept Him as our Personal Savior, who came into this world, suffered and died for us. God wants us to have the character of Jesus Christ and lead a Good Christian Life.

How to live a Christian Life?

A. Being saved through Jesus Christ

One gets saved by believing in Jesus Christ. With His grace, when one repents his sin to God and asks for forgiveness, he is born again. Salvation through Christ is the saving of humans from sin which includes death and separation from God eternally.

B. Leading a Prayerful Life

Prayer is the opportunity to spend time with God. It is essential to maintain a fellowship with our Father. God sees us as His children. He will answer us when we ask for blessings, cry for help or plead for something. It is also the perfect time to confess our sins.

C. Meditating the Bible

Reading and meditating the Bible is a great way to get closer to God. It also helps in building a spiritual relationship and friendship between you and God.

D. Praise and worship

Praising and worshiping God open doors of heaven where God, who is seated on His throne, showers His blessings upon you. God alone is worthy of all praise and worship for He is our creator and also for the great love that he has bestowed upon us.

E. Having Faith and Trust in Jesus Christ

Trusting God is the confidence that we have in what we hope for. If you have faith, the impossible will become possible. As Jesus said in Matthew 21:22, And all things, whatever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.

In Mark 11:22-24, Jesus assured us that if we have faith with no doubt in heart and tell a mountain to throw itself into the sea, it will happen.

F. Sharing the Word of God with others

It is our duty to inspire people to know God and come closer to Him and allow the Holy Spirit to work in them. As Jesus said in Matthew 28: 19-20, Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them My disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. Therefore, we must share the Good news.

Jesus Christ came to this world in the form of a Man, as Paul states, Jesus, being Son of God emptied himself, taking the form of a mere human being on earth. And He died for you and me, and for everyone in this world and whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life. Through the blood of Jesus, He washed our sins and made us His own and set us apart as the chosen ones. We, who were worthless, was bought by the precious blood of Jesus because He loved us and did not want us to perish.

So let’s give thanks to the Lord because He is Good; His love endures forever.

God is with you and he will help you when you call out to him at any time. He will lead you, guide you and bless you. To summarize:

  • Have faith in God

  • Accept him as your personal Savior

  • Pray continuously

  • Read and Meditate the Bible

  • Share the Good news

  • Walk in the Spirit

As I conclude my words, and I would like to invite you all to Elohim Global Worship Center on behalf of Pastor Binu Vazhamuttom, all youth and elderly members. For more information, visit the website You can also watch our worship and messages live on YouTube every Sunday and Tuesday mornings led by pastors. You too can be a part of Elohim family.

May God bless you

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